Wednesday, May 7, 2008


so today after work, katie and i walked to a few restaurants in addison circle and asked if they'd like to help out with the suit drive. we were thinking that if they could offer a coupon or discount to the people who donate clothes then that would be even more incentive for people to be a part of this drive. plus they would get more people to visit their restaurants as well as their logo on our flyer...i think that is a fair deal!

*Zen said "absolutely!" the owner's mom should be calling me soon ;)
*Astoria, Antonio's, Greenz, and Avanti's all said probably, they'd have to check and then get back to us.
*and Addison Circle Cleaners is donating hangers and possibly rolling racks.

it was a GOOD day!!

and on top of that, i talked with the town of Addison yesterday. i just wanted to make sure that we could use that parking lot next to my building. the past couple days it has been barricaded off, so i thought, "hmmm i'd better check!" i talked to a very nice man Rob who talked with the Addison police who said "sure!" well that was just too easy. thanks Rob!

one more day gone by and many more goals accomplished...that's how i like it.


Suz said...

If the dry cleaners will let us use the racks, we can use my company van to transport them. Yeh, I have a van... Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

I have some friends that live in the Dallas area, if it's ok with you I will send them the link to your blog to read about the event.
just let me know,

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