Friday, January 2, 2009

happy new year!

hey blogging buddies!

w-o-w. i have not held up my end of the blogging deal, i apologize. life gets busy. ;)

and i'm actually about to walk out the door to hear my friends' band Ruby Queen play at the mokah lounge here in Dallas...that was a really long sentence.

but real fast, i wanted to tell you that i'm jonesin' for some sewing time. and santa brought me a sewing table so i don't have to work on my coffee table anymore. yes, i'm serious, it was not a very ergonomic work environment, lol. anyways, i'll be working on some cutesy valentine's aprons and taking custom orders...

love you guys! hope all is well with your new year!



The Belangers said...

YAY! I can't wait to see them!

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