Thursday, June 5, 2008


so in my spare time, i browse the internet, particularly clothing websites, and more particularly nordstrom. i should not do this. it only makes me want things. and i know i do not need anything. ok, except maybe some colored heels to go with this new yellow silk dress i got. ok, ok, that, too, would be classified as a want. just think of the amount of money we spend on things...i need to digress for a second. look at this dress i just found (on the left). so cute, so summery, SO expensive. it was $795 and is on sale for the low price of $469. w?! $469 is not a sale people!!

back to my point, yes, i have a point. instead of looking at websites that honor earthly things, what about looking up sites of non-profit organizations, churches, your community's calendar (which probably offers some kind of volunteer opps)? we need to build up our treasure for heaven, being kingdom-focused, and honor our God, not the world. we discussed this in depth this past semester in IBC's women's bible study. which btw, i miss greatly. i kind of feel a little empty and lost without that weekly community of women studying God's word. there's just nothing like it. any good suggs for a summer bible study? IBC offers ToolBox classes too, maybe i could look into one of those. actually, now that i journey to IBC's website and read about ToolBox, this seems like a very good idea. ok, back to my "point," (ha, as i type, my point is lessening and becoming a little preachy). back to bible study...we had a chart and we wrote down how and where we spend our money. i know most of you think my big, chunk of mula is thrown down on clothes (not because i'm the best dressed, but because i really do shop a's called retail therapy). but it's not. my dough is spent on food, food, and more food. or it was at the time. since then i have started packing my lunch almost every day of the week. i splurge on wednesdays because that is subway's special for the turkey-to-die-for-sandwich (after tax, it's only $3.02). now that is a deal. actually, i have blogged about that sandwich before, ha. see, i love food. but i also love giving and helping and trying to live more generously. so i sacrifice a tad on the food area of my life. i get all my veggies and nutrients, don't be worried, but i don't eat out and spend a ridiculous $2 on iced tea. that is like the cheapest drink to make and they totally rip you off on tea!! and i do still meet friends for dinner once or twice a week. but i think i have the "saving money of food expenses" part pretty under control.
the next chunk is shopping, this my friends, is where i DO need help :) it's just what i do when i'm bored (online shopping- aaahhh!) or when i've had a bad day. you cannot tell me that new pink pumps don't turn your frown upside down. they do. but just for a short bit.
if you have time, jot down where your monthly income gets, food, necessary stuff (toilet paper, household cleaner stuff, etc- let me advise, do NOT try to go without toilet paper, let me repeat, do NOT try to go without toilet paper! that is not the point of my rambling blog :) ), tithing, medicine, etc. just check out where your money goes...because where it is, shows where your heart is too. ooh that sounded a lot like luke 12:34 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
i guess my "point" is, let's use our time and our money better. i have really tried to visit different Dallas-area non profits' websites lately and read about the situations at hand and what they're doing about it. and how we can make a difference.
less and more:
* (not a dallas one, but a great one)
there are a ton more. try it for a puts your heart in a different place, sets your priorities straight, and even helps you distinguish between wants and needs. chelsea needs that reminder :)
**we're blessed, let's go bless others**


Steph V said...

Oh, I sooo hear you. If I am not looking at blogs, I am shopping etsy. It's really not so much for myself either, but for the kids. They are my weakness. Well and shoes and bags. are so right.

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