Friday, June 27, 2008

sweet jesus

so i definitely have something cool to share with you this morning. you know that toolbox class i started this past monday that i love? well, part of our "homework" was to start a daily prayer time/quiet time with the lord...i have chosen to start mine in the morning, like most others. this is the time that is still quiet for me and my brain isn't racing yet. once the day starts and things begin rolling, it's hard for me to focus. and this way, i feel like i'm just starting my day off in the best way possible. reading scripture, praying, listening, and journaling what i'm thinking/feeling really brings a peace to my heart and kind of sets the tone for the day. i'm in love with this morning time, and i hope to do it daily for the rest of my life. i mean that.

but the very cool thing that i wanted to share was how i'm waking up. the night before my first "early" morning (which is only about 20-30 minutes earlier, but that is precious time when you're talking 6 am!), i set my alarm and was kind of excited about this new adventure. i prayed that i would awake refreshed, energized and ready to start this thing that i hoped would turn into a daily habit. but not like a habit that you do carelessly and effortlessly just because you do it daily, but a special habit that i enjoy day after day. so this was my prayer.

my alarm went off at 5:45 am, and i have never felt so ready to wake up and go meet with the Lord. that is what my heart was feeling was this urgency and excitedness to get out of bed so that i could join the lord in conversation. and the minute that my eyes opened, a song was playing in my head, loud and clear. and i felt a nudge; a nudge to get up and go meet with the Creator of the universe. no lie. and this exact thing has happened every morning since.

the first morning was tuesday, and i arose singing "jesus you have called us, freely we've received, now freely we must give. we must go, live to feed the hungry, stand beside the broken, we must go. stepping forward keep us from just singing, move us into action, we must go."

wednesday, was "open the eyes of my heart lord, open the eyes of my heart, i want to see you, yes i want to see you."

thursday was the same song as tuesday "god of justice"- the message is so powerful and just makes me want to go...go feed the hungry, go stand with the broken...i love those lyrics.

and today was "praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore him! all that hath life and breath, come now with praises before him. let the amen sound from His people again, gladly for aye we adore Him."

what a sweet jesus we have that he wants to wake me each morning with a song on my tongue and joy in my heart.


Anonymous said...

I want a nudge like yours! The only nudge I feel these days is Emily saying, "I want out!"

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