Monday, April 28, 2008

Attitudes and Attire

ok ladies, it's GO TIME. this org "attitudes and attire" has been weighing on my heart for well over a year. and every time it would pop into my head, i doubted myself. but you know what? we really can do this.

go to the website- and let's organize a suit drive. we all have plenty of nice clothes that either don't fit well, are "out of season" or we just don't want them anymore. but we can give them to the Attitudes and Attire boutique and allow low income women a chance to wear a nice suit for an interview. we can give them that first boost of self-esteem, the boost that comes with feeling good and confident about yourself. the org also has workshops, image consulting, and job training which includes positive self-image, appropriate workplace behavior and appearance (many volunteer opps there!!). it's a truly super organization for women. check out the website, read about it and the success stories, and then contact me and let's get this party started.


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