Thursday, April 24, 2008

save the world

ok, so i'm going all "save the world" on you...but here are a few sites that can get your wheels turning. after visiting these, i bet you'll want to help make a change whatever your particular passion may be :)

sprinkles cupcakes (last day is tomorrow!)
963 missions
AIDS services of Dallas
water is basic
dallas habitat for humanity

**check out the gift catalogs at these two websites...what a GREAT idea:
food for the poor
world vision

**local 5ks coming up for charity:
hope cottage
habitat for humanity
heartbeat 5k
friends of the katy trail


Melissa M. Williams said...

Hi! This is Melissa Williams! I can't believe that I just realized you live in Dallas, and I am about to move from Dallas to Austin this summer. I am now recalling Dane's mom telling me something about it though. I would have totally loved to hang out with you! I am right with you on your "save the world" post! I also think it is just great, all the things you are doing with your church. We had a few members from my women's bible study at Watermark go to Africa as well. I have heard great things about Irving Bible, but I have only been once. We should try to meet up for coffee sometime soon! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
Take care,

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