Friday, April 18, 2008

heavy heart

what a sad circus the whole FLDS polygamy trial has become. this makes my heart heavy and sad. for the kids. for the wives. for those fooled into believing that our god is this kind of god. he's a loving god who is for us. he's not a god who demands that young girls have babies as soon as they reach puberty. he's not a god who wants men to rule the roost while the wives take a submissive role. i feel like FLDS has created some rules/regulations that are not of God or biblical.

there's some give and take here...

1 Peter 3:1-2,7
The same goes for you wives: Be good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs. There are husbands who, indifferent as they are to any words about God, will be captivated by your life of holy beauty...The same goes for you husbands: Be good husbands to your wives. Honor them, delight in them.

i pray that as christians, we can just keep spreading the love and god's word. so people see the truth. so that when they read about FLDS , their court case, and the 416 children whose little lives are at hand, they don't think that this is "christianity." what am i trying to say...hmmm...some people read things and lump groups of people together. so what i don't want to happen is this: non-christians reading this very extreme case of men calling whatever they're doing "religion," and these non-christians respond with "what kind of god allows that?" or "see, that's why i dont' believe in god" or "those christians are crazy." you know what i mean? i don't want people to be turned off from jesus bc of this. so this morning i just pray for the men, women and children of this religion that god can open their eyes and reveal his heart to them. what he wants for us and how we can go about doing his work. it's all about him. it's not about man-made rules and things that are motivated by us, it's about living like jesus and honoring him in absolutely everything we do. easier said than done, i know. :) but's let's try.


Anonymous said...

hey b.mcgee - I agree that everyone is being injured and compromised in the polygamy case - my thought is that polygamy isn't at the heart of the issue, but the perversion that goes along with pedophiles. - signed - charla, the momma of chelsea - <><

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